Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Homesickness and Hicks.....

So, the hot American weather finally decided to break and turn into something vaguely resembling regular Autumn weather. Unfortunately, for South Carolina this means a convincing attempt to mimic India during monsoon weather. Equally unfortunately, neither me or any of the other Brits thought it could get even slightly cold Stateside (at least in comparison to Northern England) so therefore left out essentials such as boots, coats, jumpers and umbrellas whilst packing. But we do have a lot of flipflops. And summer dresses. At least we have an almost valid excuse to not go to class on a Monday morning now...serious risk of drowning. But the temperature is still sub-tropical compared to good old England; at the moment it's still around 20 degrees during the day. I can't believe how fast I've adapted to this weather - at home that would be mid summer, and I would be in shorts... and now I'm whining that it's chilly, and wearing my Ugg boots! Pneumonia may well be actually a serious concern when I return to Yorkshire over Christmas...As well as the depressing weather, I have depressing amounts of studying. I have an exam every ten minutes on average (ok, maybe a slight exaggeration), and about three million papers (not an exaggeration....). Although the content is significantly easier than in England, it's the sheer volume they demand that's scaring me.... and also the fact that you are expected to learn pages of facts and regurgitate them, rather than learn a few then apply them in an essay exam. So whilst in theory it should be easier, it's just very different and hard to get used to! A nice diversion from the awful weather and the awful work though, was a trip to the state fair last week. I know I keep saying this, but it's actually true; everything in America is bigger! For those who have experienced the Skipton Gala (you poor things), you probably know what I class as a fairground. SC State Fair is not quite the same. It has probably about thirty full size fairground rides, and going on a hundred food and games stalls, all lit up with millions of neon lights. It is pretty much the epitome of Southern cliches; pure bred Hicks, with moustaches and chewing tobacco and checked shirts with hundreds of grubby children, big black women with cornrows, metal detectors you have to pass through to get in, and the encouraging sign assuring that anyone wearing "gang related clothing" or carrying concealed weapons will not be allowed. Thanks for the reassurance, guys. I don't even know where to start with the food; let's just say, I'm beginning to realise quite why obesity is such a problem here. Corn dogs are hot dog sausages, dipped in a batter made of corn bread crumbs, then deep fried. Elephant ears are flat dishes of deep fried pastry covered with cream, sugar and chocolate. Think deep fried Mars bars are gross? Here, you can get deep fried cookie dough, Oreos and even deep fried Pepsi - the latter being balls of deep fried batter with Pepsi injected into the middle and soaking through. My conclusion is that everything I tried from the above list tasted like variations of Yorkshire pudding. Elephant ears tasted like Yorkshire pudding with sugar on. Deep fried Pepsi tasted of Yorkshire pudding soaked in Pepsi. Unfortunately none of the international students had any idea what Yorkshire pudding was. But trust me on this one,they did taste like it. As well as State Fair shenanigans, we have been celebrating multiple birthdays in the past few weeks, mainly centering around going for a drink and a dance downtown, and also a trip to another, odd American oddity; the disco bowling alley. I.e., we went ten pin bowling, and at about 10 30pm, they switched on loud club music and disco lights and started to serve alcohol. Strange indeed. Another thing America does bigger than England is Halloween; this weekend we went on a search for our outfits, to the biggest, exclusively Halloween store I have ever seen. It was the size of the average Topshop but entirely Halloween orientated; wigs, outfits, tattoos, tutus, stockings, fake gravestones, eyeball bubblegum, transvestite shoes, dog dress up, baby outfits, pumpkin carving sets.... anything you could ever desire to celebrate October 31st, and for any sane person, far more than you would ever desire! But we secured some amusing outfits for Saturday; She wolves, convicts, go go girls, flappers, sailors and nurses. I feel sorry for the people of South Carolina when a large group of rowdy International girls hits them... and this time, in fancy dress! Now I've been in the States for ten weeks, this is officially the longest time I've spent away from home in my life...I'm definitely beginning to really look forward to going home in six weeks. I'm missing the home comforts of my parent's cooking, my dogs cuddling up next to me on the sofa and my own bed, as well as all my family and friends who are continuing on with their lives that I am no longer a part of! It's very weird... on one hand, I feel like I've been here for years, I fit in so well and have made so many great friends, but at the same time I can't believe I'm coming up to the home straight of my first semester already. As I get older, I begin to realise how fast life goes by...I'll be retired and a grandmother before I know it!

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