Monday, November 2, 2009

Things I miss about England...

Bright blue, freezing cold sunny mornings.

My parent's roast dinner.

£1 Archers and Lemonade in Kasbah on a Monday.

My smelly dogs keeping my feet warm.

Eating M&S rocky road biscuits with Polly.

Pitchers of Frilly Tutu from Spoons.

The countryside.

Radiators....instead of air con.

Hot water bottles.

Watching crappy t.v. with my family in the front room.

Sitting in bed with Hetty on a Tuesday morning, swapping gossip from the night before.

Cold weather.

Proper vegetarian food.

The In betweeners.

Going shopping in Harrogate with my mummy.

Drinking legally.

Good dance music.

Not having people stare at me because of my accent.

Watching Top Gear with Rory. ..... and Sarah and Keiran.

Having insanely lazy days with Ed, watching t.v. and eating fatty food all day.

English accents on the t.v.

Hour long hot baths reading novels I've read three million times over already.

Indian takeaways.


Going running by Rootes lake... and being chased by canada geese.

Healthy food.

Having alcove days in Rootes with rose wine, Kettle Chips, chocolate and chick flicks.

Custard creams.

Lying in Jess's bed, distracting her from doing work, along with the rest of F2.

Having sleepovers in Grassington.. and Keighley... and Carleton... and Cononley.

And the people who know where these places actually are.


Dr Who. The X Factor.

Seeing someone you know every time you leave the house.... whether in Skipton or Warwick.

Cuddles from my parents.

Having a bitch with my big sister.

Topshop. Primark.

Well dressed people.

Posh British accents.... and Northern accents too.

Public transport.

Being able to see the people I love by just getting on a train, not by an 8 hour flight.

Saying "babes" and "lol" and people knowing you're being sarcastic.

Words being spelt right.

Words being SAID right.

Heat magazine. And More.

Grumpy people.

My Yorkshire girls.

My F2 family.

My actual family.



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